Drum Journeys /
Soul Retrievals
Drum Journeys can be used to find your Power Animal, to answer any question you may have about your life, and also to retrieve lost parts of your Soul that have become fragmented and lost during trauma.
This includes this lifetime and as well as past lifetimes as your soul has had many, many lives prior to this one, and the Emotional body travels with the Soul throughout each lifetime. Together we will journey into the Under World, the Middle World, and the Upper World – depending on what we are searching for – and retrieve the question, the Spirit Animal, or the lost parts of your Soul. I will then call them back into your being, and sync your field with this new energy.
Various techniques are used besides the drum, there will also be mapacho, a ceremonial or sacred tobacco that is used, and a general clearing, grounding and blessing at the end.

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Contact Me
- Melody Jaine
- [email protected]
- @themedicinecave
- The Medicine Cave (@mjlala7796)
- @themedicinecave
- @mjlala
- @themedicinecave