Sound Healing
I have been immersed in the use of sound, music, and vibration my entire life. I was singing before I even learned to talk and played the piano growing up, working through the Royal Conservatory and studying the entire history of music! In 2017 I discovered I have the ability to tap into your unique essence and provide healing sounds, tones, and the resonant vibrations that will provide you with the healing you need at that moment. A spirit song will come to me, infusing you with the exact frequency of song that your soul needs.
Sound healing relies on the natural law of resonance to restore the vibrational integrity of the body, mind & spirit. This private session will leave your body in total resonance with your mind and spirit.
Through sonic sounds, song & vibration and the use of specific vocal toning, various sound bowls – tibetan and crystal alchemy, weighted vibrational tuning forks, bells, planetary gongs, and the planetary chimes – we will open the energetic pathways and clear any blocks within your energy body, which in altering the magnetic field of your mind. This will allow you to align to higher states of awareness & expand your consciousness! You will leave feeling grounded, balanced, transformed, uplifted and more ‘attuned’ to the flow.