Events & Ceremonies

Autumn Equinox Ceremony
Mabon Gong Journey

September 22nd, 2024
Join us for a beautiful evening of sound, celebration, ceremony and renewal as we welcome in the Spirit of the West, the season of letting go. This is the time when the Sun enters Libra, and there is equal balance between night & day, the light and the dark. We welcome in the new influence of Libra that softens the drive to be practical and overly organized. There is still plenty of movement, action and focus on the future. Libra is a Cardinal Air sign, with themes focusing on relationships, balance, beauty and harmony.
*Space is limited*
Click below to register + confirm your spot.
September 22nd, 2024
7:30 – 9:30 PM
@ As Above Shop
#217, 2505 – 17th Ave. SW, Calgary, AB
 Tickets $55 – available here:

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Shamanic healing takes place in many forms, depending on what spirit recommends. It can include plant, herbal and mineral spirit medicine, the use of song and other instruments to move and transform energy, visualization, soul retrieval, extraction, hands on massage or physical body manipulation.

Through sound & vibration and the use of vocal toning, bowls, tuning forks, bells, songs, and chimes - we will open the energetic pathways and clear any blocks within your energy body.

Come experience a shamanic healing and clearing through song, and the use various musical & healing tools at my monthly healing clinics.

This offer is a one-stop shop for your entire being, where an astrology reading is given along with a medicine box specifically handcrafted for your soul’s vibration and healing.

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