Melody Jaine

sacred Sound ALCHEMIST, shamanic PRIESTESS, spiritual guide & CEREMONIALIST

At the Medicine Cave, our mission is to connect you deeply to your inner self, and to your heart, which is where your unique ‘Medicine’ resides. Each one of us is special, and has a unique gift to bring to the world.  Melody in an intuitive and has a unique ability, or knowing, of your intrinsic energy and the exact frequency that will help unlock your wisdom and magic. She helps people that are stuck in life, and not able to cultivate joy, or find their purpose. This allows you to unlock the divinity that lies within! To ignite the divine light within your heart, bringing about an alignment, illuminating your mind and body with spirit.

Melody is an authentic Sacred Sound Alchemist, Creative, Ceremonialist, and Shamanic Priestess. Here to be a Guide as you navigate your own spiritual awakening, and to be of service to humanity.  She has a deep passion for working with mantra and intentional medicine songs.  Her gift and purpose is to heal through song.  A healing song will come to her during a 1:1 session, which is specifically for you and the exact healing that you need at that time. The frequency of the song will bring you into harmonious attunement & bring an expansion of your consciousness, which in turn brings forth an awareness of your power and true Divine nature!

Also skilled in the art of Earth Medicine, Melody makes her own line of locally procured “Mountain Medicine” products, by harvesting wild botanicals from the surrounding boreal forest. Through synthesizing wild crafted elements during the lunar phases, Melody has created her own specialized conscious bath and beauty products at her home Apothecary. You can find these offerings in the Medicine Cabinet tab. 

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Sound Sessions & Ceremonies


Mel is a magician in the sound healing world. Words cannot describe the experience. A small group of friends and myself have her come and do sound journeys for us often, usually monthly. She is the most generous and loving spirit you could invite into your space. This is a new age of healing and Mel is at the frontier of this work. Sound bowls, gong, flute, drums, chimes, and planetary tuning forks are just the beginning of what Mel brings, she always surprises us with something new. Her voice is medicine for the soul. Thank you Mel! It’s hard to put a price on your work as it is invaluable magic of the new world.


Melody is a powerful guide, sound healer & medicine woman - I have personally experienced the her work many times and the heart opening & transformative effects of the sound, song, energy & wisdom she offers as a practitioner - I would recommend her to anyone needing guidance, to break through blocks, nervous system regulation or just some inspiration/guidance to take the next step on their journey - Melody is a gift & truly living out her souls purpose🤍

Caitlin Wilson

Melody's Soul box was above and beyond what I was expecting. The care and attention to detail were amazing. All the senses were delighted by the contents and it made me feel so special. I deeply wish to gift a soul box to everyone I know, and perhaps one day I will be able to. Melody has such amazing gifts and I wish you all to experience her creativity and guidance as you navigate your path. I would regard this as almost an essential gift to oneself.🧡


A New Approach To
Health & Life

Soul Mapping + Medicine Box

This offer is a one-stop shop for your entire being ~ an astrology reading is given along with a tantric numerology report & medicine box specifically handcrafted for your soul’s vibration and healing needs.

Book a Private Event!

I am available for private sound baths, ceremonies, and circles of all kinds. I have been performing and hosting various ceremonies and Moon circles since 2015, upon the return from the Priestess Path. 

1:1 Sessions

Custom curated for your souls’ needs ~ I am trained in a multitude of healing modalities and will assist you in restoring your body to homeostasis, returning your cells back to their perfect state of origin.

Reiki Shamanism Sound Journeys

This private session combines several different healing modalities; Karuna Ki + Lightarian Reiki, Shamanic practices, (ie: feather work, tobacco clearing + icaros ~ plant medicine songs) as well as the use of Gong & Sonic Sound Therapy. A very balancing and cleansing treatment.

Shamanic Healings

Shamanic healing takes place in many forms, depending on what spirit recommends. It can include plant, herbal and mineral spirit medicine, the use of song and other instruments to move and transform energy, visualization, soul retrieval, extraction, hands on massage or physical body manipulation.

Hawaiian Lomilomi Healing Massage

Lomilomi Hawaiian healing massage is a flowing, vibrant, and deeply relaxing full-body massage. Lomilomi can help release stored emotions, trauma, tension, stress, and blocked energy.

Drum Journeys / Soul Retreivals

Drum Journeys can be used to find your Power Animal, to answer any question you may have about your life, and also to retrieve lost parts of your Soul that have become fragmented and lost during trauma.

Contact Me

Yes, please keep me posted on events and happenings!!