This offer is a one-stop shop for your entire being, with both an astrology reading & tantric soul numerology reading provided, along with a custom synergized botanical medicine box specifically handcrafted for your soul’s vibration and healing needs.
Available for private events, retreats and sound baths, ceremonial needs, and circles of all kinds. I have been performing and hosting various ceremonies and transformative moon circles since 2015.
Custom curated for your souls’ needs ~ I am trained in a multitude of healing modalities and will assist you in restoring your body to homeostasis, returning your cells back to their perfect state of origin ~ aligning your body and mind with Spirit.
Shamanic healing takes place in many forms, depending on what Spirit recommends. It can include plant, herbal and mineral spirit medicine, the use of song and other instruments to move and transform energy, visualization, soul retrieval, extraction, hands on massage or physical body manipulation.
A Hawaiian Lomilomi healing massage is a flowing, vibrant, and deeply relaxing full-body massage. Lomilomi can help you release stored emotions, trauma, tension, stress, and blocked energy.
This system of healing incorporates the application of weighted tuning forks attuned to various planetary frequencies in a unique energy-based approach to wellness that is rooted in Oriental medicine. To bring balance, restore harmony, and heal the mind, body and spirit connection.
~Half Price during Practicum Sessions~